powered by Bolt
Room 1
We have real time translation in the conference room, free for delegates, in two formats: English to Portuguese and Portuguese to English
Official Opening
Abertura oficial
Américo Rodrigues (DGArtes // Director)
Francisco J. Amaya Flores (Spanish Embassy in Portugal // Education Councillor)
Ricardo Bramão (Aporfest // President)
9h30/10h30 (Roundtable)
New markets and new competition for headliners (bands and DJ's) - Where are the big revenues? The impact of festivals in Asia and the drop in ticket sales at Western festivals
Novos mercados e nova concorrência pelos headliners (bandas e DJ’s) – Onde estão as grandes receitas? O impacto dos festivais na Ásia e quebra de vendas/bilhetes nos festivais ocidentais
Ana Teresa Ventura (M de Música // Journalist) MODERATOR
Carlos Manaça (DJ/Producer)
Diogo Oliveira (Festival Authentica // Talent Buyer)
Joaquin Costa (Casfid // Co-Founder & CEO)
Paulo Amaral (Made of You*Neopop // Director)
Rodrigo Pinheiro (Beatport // Head of Special Projects)
10h30/11h30 (Roundtable)
New talents in the festival industry: brainstorming and ideas for the near future
Novos talentos na indústria dos festivais: brainstorming e ideias para o futuro próximo
Ana Teresa Ventura (M de Música // Journalist) MODERATOR
Ana Lua Caiano (Music Artist)
Sílvia Rebelo (Iminente // Project Manager)
Maria Sara Costa (Rock in Rio Lisboa // Head of Digital)
Mallu Magalhães (Music Artist)
Vera Vasconcelos (Lisb-On // Producer)
12h00/13h00 (Roundtable)
“Are we losing the youth at the front of the stage?” – What is the audience profile we will have at festive events in terms of age, economic class, interaction with artists, and the type of security to offer?
“Estamos a perder os jovens na frente de palco” - Qual o perfil do público que vamos ter nos eventos festivos em termos de idade, classe económica, interação com artistas, e tipo de segurança a oferecer?
Ana Teresa Ventura (M de Música // Journalist) MODERATOR
André Sardet (Festival O Sol da Caparica * Mar Me Quer // Director)
Paulo Santos (IPDJ // Vice-President)
Susana Castanheira (Fundação da Juventude // Executive President)
Tiago Nacarato (Music Artist)
Vanessa Damásio (Psinove // Clinical Psychologist)
14h30/15h30 (Roundtable)
Cultural Mediation and Innovation: Transforming Venues, Events, and Festivals into Platforms for Social and Creative Impact
Mediação Cultural e Inovação: Transformar Salas, Eventos e Festivais em Plataformas de Impacto Social e Criativo
Ana Teresa Ventura (M de Música // Journalist) MODERATOR
Elisa Almeida (Cineteatro Louletano // Cultural Mediator)
Gil Silva (Teatro das Figuras * Festival F // Director)
Hugo Encarnação (Lx Fábricas // General Manager)
José Pina (Teatro Aveirense // Director)
Maria Ferreira (RTP // Sub-director Music and Stage Arts)
15h30/16h30 (Roundtable)
Brand Activation vs. Brand Awareness: who wins when connecting with festivals?
Brand Activation vs. Brand Awareness: quem vence quando se conecta aos festivais?
Ana Teresa Ventura (M de Música // Journalist) MODERATOR
Bruno Reis (WIP – Brand Activation // Ceo & Founder)
Daniel Redondo (Licor Beirão // CEO)
Rui Goulart (BrandP // Founder)
Diana Costa (Meo Kalorama // Head Brand Partners)
Pedro Gandum (Intermarché // Marketing Director)
17h00/17h45 (International Keynote Speaker)
Are we witnessing the end of nightclubs? What does this mean for the festival industry?
Estamos a assistir ao fim das discotecas e clubes noturnos? O que isso significa para a indústria dos festivais?
Gary Smith (Amsterdance Dance Event * Paris Music Week // Conference Curator) MODERATOR
Dimitri Hegemann (Kraftwerk Berlin – BerlinWorkx Network Association // Founder)
17h45/18h30 (International Keynote Speaker)
The challenges of mobility at festivals
Os desafios da mobilidade em festivais
Gary Smith (Amsterdance Dance Event * Paris Music Week // Conference Curator) MODERATOR
Antoine Biehler (Moga Festival*Giant Steps // Co-Founder*CEO)
Catarina Dias (Carris // Commercial Director)
Mário Morais (Bolt // General Manager)
André Viana (Paredes de Coura Municipality // Coordinator)

powered by Cuatrecasas
Room 2
Contracts between sponsor and festival promoter: what should I look out for?
Contratos entre patrocinador e promotor de festival: o que devo acautelar?
Sónia Queiroz Vaz (Cuatrecasas // Lawyer*Partner) MODERATOR
Marta Pereira da Silva (Cuatrecasas // Lawyer*Consultant)
Diogo Martins (Indieror*Festival N2 // Director)
Gustavo Blanco (Sónar Lisboa // Head of Brand Partnerships)
Influencers and the new paradigm of advertising on social media
Influencers e o novo paradigma da publicidade nas redes sociais
Lucas Battistello Espindola (Cuatrecasas // Lawyer) MODERATOR
Leonor Gambôa Machado (Cuatrecasas // Lawyer)
Gonçalo Camacho (Summer Opening // Director)
Tiago Froufe Costa (Luvin’ & Public’// CEO)
Sofia Rebanda (Content Creator // Entrepreneur)
Municipal initiative festivals: licensing and public procurement procedures
Festivais de iniciativa municipal: licenciamento e procedimentos de contratação pública
Marisa Mirador (Cuatrecasas // Lawyer*Partner) MODERATOR
Rita Bastos Ramalho (Cuatrecasas // Lawyer)
Hugo Moreira Luís (Mafra Municipality // President)
Mário Reis (VFXira Municipality // Resp. Public Contracts)
Tiago Pedro (Alenquer Municipality // Councillor)
Insurance and festivals: legal and social dimensions
Seguros e festivais: dimensão legal e social
Ana Sofia Silva (Cuatrecasas // Lawyer*Consultant) MODERATOR
Carolina Duarte Salgado (Cuatrecasas // Lawyer)
Ana Cristina Borges (MDS – Corretor de Seguros // Executive Director)
Vasco Salema (GigZy // Founder)
Patrícia Magalhães (BrandLine // CEO)
Contracts between festival promoter and artists: what should I look out for?
Contratos entre o promotor de festival e os artistas: o que devo acautelar?
Rui Vaz Pereira (Cuatrecasas // Lawyer*Partner) MODERATOR
Victor Hugo Ventura (Cuatrecasas // Lawyer)
Bernardo Corrêa Barros (VisitCascais*Festas do Mar // President)
Paulo Di-Light (c4iDJ // Director)
Tânia Monteiro (Produtores Associados // Manager – Booker)
FinTech and music festivals: are innovative digital payments on the way?
FinTech e festivais de música: pagamentos digitais inovadores a caminho?
Francisco Soares Machado (Cuatrecasas // Lawyer) MODERATOR
Catarina Mira Lança (Cuatrecasas // Lawyer)
Alexandre Fernandes Ribeiro (Klarna // Country Manager Portugal & Spain)
Michael Salvado (Wethecore // Partner)
Nuno Silva (Verifone // Country Manager Portugal)
Rita Mendes Coelho (Visa // Country Manager Portugal)
Taxation: roadmap of best practices and opportunities in festival organization
Fiscalidade: roadmap de boas práticas e oportunidades na organização de festivais
Ana Helena Farinha (Cuatrecasas // Lawyer*Partner) MODERATOR
Vicente Pirrone (Cuatrecasas // Lawyer)
André Rebelo Pereira (Festival Mêda // Director)
Francisco Lemos (Mr. Milk //Accounting)
Marina Vieira Pires (Gescofaf // Certified Accountant)

powered by Gestão de Lives
Room 3
Greenwashing in Events: How to Differentiate Marketing from Real Sustainability
Greenwashing em Eventos: Como Diferenciar Marketing de Sustentabilidade Real
Erica Cardoso (Liga Portugal & Betclic // Host) MODERATOR
Gustavo Couto – (ArtCor// COO - Circular Management Department)
Ivan Arrulo (ReUz Portugal // Comercial Director)
Sandra Castro (Extruplás // Director)
Less is More: How to Plan with Responsibility
Less is More: como planear com responsabilidade
Erica Cardoso (Liga Portugal & Betclic /( Host) MODERATOR
Telma Silva (ArtCor // FrontOffice - Circular Management Department)
Ricardo Alves (Green Seagull // CEO)
Susana Ramalho (Sociedade Ponto Verde // Collection Operations Coordinator)
Beyond Victory: The Environmental Impact of Sports Events
Além da Vitória: O Impacto Ambiental dos Eventos Desportivos
Erica Cardoso (Liga Portugal & Betclic // Host) MODERATOR
Henrique Conceição (SLBenfica // Head of Business Process Management)
Pedro Félix (SLBenfica // Director of Infrastructure and Cultural Heritage)
Manuel Abegão (Liga Portugal // Director of Marketing & Events)
Fábio Ferreira (ArtCor // Resp. Sports)
Rádio Defusão - would we be happier without music festivals?
Rádio Defusão – seríamos mais felizes sem festivais de música?
Fábio Vieira Fernandes, Filipe Marques e Joana Rodrigues HOSTS
Alex D’Alva Teixeira (Music Artist)
Live "Cabeça de Cartaz" - 15 years of career in Karetus mode
"Cabeça de Cartaz" ao vivo – 15 anos de carreira em modo Karetus
Sofia Rebanda (Content Creator) HOST
Karetus (Music Artists)
Dedo Invisível - A conversation with Studios Louva-a-Deus
Dedo Invisível - Uma conversa com os estúdios louva-a-deus
Miguel Bica (Gerador // Co-founder) HOST
Afonso Cabral e Francisca Cortesão (Music Artists & Estúdio louva-a-Deus Founders)
Room 4
Application of Project Management principles to enhance environmental sustainability at music festivals
Mariana Candeias, Thesis, 2024 – ISTécnico
Aplicação dos princípios de Gestão de Projetos para reforçar a sustentabilidade ambiental em festivais de música
Light festivals, between culture and tourism: An ethnography in two Portuguese light festivals
Manuel Garcia-Ruiz, Paper, 2024 – ISCTE-IUL
Festivais de Luz, entre cultura e turismo: Uma etnografia em dois festivais de luz em Portugal
Paredes de Coura Festival: Ritualizing music and building community
Maria Maciel Fernandes, Thesis, 2024 – UMinho
Festival Paredes de Coura: ritualizar a música e fazer a comunidade
Primavera Sound Porto: The heritage value of a festival
Rui Cunha, Thesis, 2024 – FLUPorto
Primavera Sound Porto: o valor patrimonial de um festival
The impacts of digitalization on the music industry
José Dias Lopes e Tomás Portela, Thesis, 2024 – ISEG
Os impactos da digitalização na indústria da música
Room 4
Festival Tremor – 10 anos
(51’ | PT | 2024)
Festival da Canção 60 Anos (1964-2024)
(53’ | PT | 2024)
Ressaca Bailada – Filme Concerto
(54’ | PT | 2024)
Rodrigo Cuevas – Pocket Interview by Talkfest
(20’ | PT | 2025)
Claptone – Pocket Interview by Talkfest
(25’ | PT | 2025)
Dana Margolin (Porridge Radio) – Pocket Interview by Talkfest
(25’ | PT | 2025)

Hotel Restaurant
During lunch at the official Talkfest restaurant, located at the Meliã Aeroporto Hotel, three DJs will liven up the space with incredible sets, creating the perfect soundtrack for a relaxed moment of networking and great food.
Join us for a unique experience that blends music and socializing, elevating the rhythm of your day!
Marcella Castellano
Petra Mojo
Laura Cunha

powered by Sonika
Room 2
The Talkfest - Music Fest Summit night comes to life, transforming into a stage of musical discoveries with 4 showcases that will surprise and electrify! Bia Maria, Marta Lima, João Couto, and Too Many Sun (by Indie Music) bring unique sounds, emerging talents, and unmissable performances to the Hotel Meliã Aeroporto.

Room 2
Adding to the excitement, the night will feature stand-up comedy performances by Tomás Matos, Fi, and Hélder Machado, who will entertain the audience with sketches tailored to the world of music festivals. Stand-up comedy is becoming an increasingly popular feature at music festivals, enhancing their cultural diversity. At Talkfest, we believe in giving this art form its deserved spotlight at an event that, above all, celebrates culture in Portugal.
Don’t miss this vibrant night of music, laughter, and cultural celebration!

João Couto
Tomás Matos
Bia Maria
Too Many Suns (by Indie Music)
Hélder Machado
Marta Lima
Hotel Meliã Aeroporto Welcome Center
9H30 > 18H30 | MAIN EVENT
Conferences, Festivals Legal Forum by Cuatrecasas, Podcast Live Stage by Gestão de Lives,
Pitchstage by Fever, Research, Academy, Docs
(at lunch) A DJ saved my life
Exclusive lunch ticket holders
Prize delivery to the winner
18H30 > 20H00 | OPEN BAR
Exclusive dinner ticket holders
21H30 > 00H30 | NIGHT EVENT
Showcases by Sonika & Stand-up